Saturday, 1 January 2011

January Experiment

I used to boast that I could easily live without a computer. Now, I’m not so sure.

In fact, there are some days I find myself almost enslaved to my laptop. The glowing invitation for more information, more communication, more entertainment is a steady presence throughout my days. It’s all there, right at my fingertips, anytime the thought strikes me. It’s not an issue of whether this technology is good or bad. It can be pretty fun, and for my life, it’s downright necessary at times. But it’s become an issue of the master-slave relationship, and I think my computer has started to master me. When I can’t walk by it without just checking something out, I think I have a problem!

So I’ve decided to embark on an experiment this January. I’m going computer-less. Well, not completely. But in as many ways as I can, I’m going to intentionally shut down my screen. Recipes? I have cookbooks. Weather? The radio. You tube? My husband and daughter are far more amusing than double rainbow guy. Blogs I like reading? I have lots of books on my shelves. Facebook? That’s a tough one. It seems so normal to check facebook several times a day, but it’s not really necessary. How did I ever live 5 years ago without knowing what my friends were eating for lunch??

What about communicating with friends and family? I don’t want to turn into a hermit. But I will try to use the phone instead of email. Or write a real letter, you know, the kind you write on paper and send in the mail. Instant communication isn’t always the best.

There are some things I will need to stay connected to. Email, for instance. That’s the only way I have of communicating with some people, and some emails are necessary for work or other social functions. And that will also include some facebook messages, because that has become basically like email. And online banking. The bills must be paid!

The other big thing is word processing. I’ll still need to do some of that for work. But for my own personal writing – including blogging, poetry and journaling – I’m going to go old fashioned. Paper and pen. It will be fun to see how my thoughts flow at a slower pace, when I have to commit to each word I write or risk an ugly scribble-out.

Once I had decided to do this, my first thought was, I should blog about it as I go! Um… nope. Before this experiment is shared with anyone else, it needs to be my experiment. Maybe I’ll keep a paper record as I go and let you know later how it went.

And so all of that means – no blogging in January! I am a little bit sad about this. But I’m going to keep writing. And when January is over, I’ll see what I have that’s worthwhile posting. In the meantime, you can check out the archives if you like.

See you in February!

new year

The world is a white slate, ready for our footprints. Where will we dance? What will we explore first? The sun opens its heart to us once more, greeting us a little earlier every day. We awake to life, and this is the simple gift that demands our whole being.

Happy new year!


Book List 2010

Completed books:

What to Expect When You’re Expecting (Heidi Murkoff)
The Blythes are Quoted (L.M. Montgomery)
Anne of Avonlea (L.M. Montgomery)
Anne of the Island (L.M. Montgomery)
Impossible (Nancy Werlin)
Committed (Elizabeth Gilbert)
The Giver (Lois Lowry)
The Meaning of Tradition (Yves Congar)
Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart (Beth Pattillo)
Churched (Matthew Paul Turner)
The Wednesday Letters (Jason F. Wright)
Fever Crumb (Phillip Pullman)
Selected Columns from Canadian Living (Peter Gzowski)
When We Were Very Young (A. A. Milne)
Mockingjay (Suzanne Collins)
Beyond Belfast (Will Ferguson)
What French Women Know (Debra Ollivier)
The Church, World and the Christian Life (Nicholas M. Healy)
The Bishop’s Man (Linden MacIntyre)

Books in progress:

Hospitality and the Other (Amos Yong)
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle (Barbara Kingsolver)
Miracles (C. S. Lewis)
The Sunny Side (A.A. Milne)
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